The Do's and Don’ts for keeping your wedding rings looking NEW!

You're gonna want to keep your favorite accessory looking brand new for years after the day you received it.  These tips can help you keep is safe and sound. 

Don’t Ignore your ring!

Daily wear and tear can take its toll, on fine jewelry. Cleanings and inspection should be done at least twice per year or a minim once a year.   Your ring needs a yearly visit to the jeweler just like you need a yearly check-up.  You never want to look down and find that your diamond has fallen out of the setting because the prongs are bent. Maintenance can prevent you from a loss that will be heartbreaking in the future. Rings that have been sized can get stressed over time from everyday use. 

Don’t Forget to Clean it

It is easy to clean your ring using a small amount of mild dish soap and warm water. You can even use a soft toothbrush to give it a light scrub.  Always use warm water instead of hot.  This does not replace having it professionally cleaned but it’s perfect for in-between professional cleaning. 

Don’t resize more than once

Making additional cuts in the band can weaken the integrity of the ring. This can cause stress, bending, and cracking.  Don’t size your ring if the reason for your hands swelling is temporary such as pregnancy. This will pass after the baby is born and several months have passed.

Do have it Insured.

This is your number one must do.  While nothing can replace the sentimental value of your engagement ring if it is not properly appraised and insured you will not be able to replace it if something unfortunate happens to it such as lost, damaged or stolen. 

Do Give your Ring a Rest

You may never want to take your ring off but there are times when is very important to give your ring a little R and R. Some examples would be laundry, dishes, household chores, lifting heavy items, and gardening.  These chores can put stress on your prongs and band. It can cause stones to loosen and is the reason for your rings check-ups. 

Do Keep it safe

Make sure when you need to take it off you have a safe place to store it.  Use a fabric pouch or a lined jewelry case. Store it by itself if putting in a pouch so that other pieces of jewelry do not bump it.  Put your ring in the same place each time you take it off.  We are always rushing around randomly putting it down can lead to not remember where the safe place is.

Are you ready to create custom wedding rings? Handcrafted wedding bands are a unique way to make your special day even more memorable. We can update heirlooms, repurpose old jewelry, or create brand new. We work with a variety of precious metals and materials and have a strong partnership with a GIA certified gemologist who provides the finest diamonds and gemstones.

We are ready to get to know you.